

We share a commitment to sustainability across K2 by creating next-level experiences for outdoor enthusiasts, we fuel each brand’s mission with the collective strength of a world-class organization, modern development facilities across all of our global distribution channels. Together, combined with our athletes and community, we strive to progress the culture of the great outdoors.


As we live and play in the mountains, we prioritize our commitment to the planet.


It starts with each of us and it’s our duty to influence our network and beyond to take action.


As a team, we understand and create multi-faceted strategies to achieve our sustainability objectives.

Our Promise

As skiers, snowboarders, and winter sports enthusiasts we spend all of our time in the mountains and are conscious of our environment. K2 is committed to making a more sustainable future for both people and the planet. We move forward with conscious discipline towards mindful product manufacturing and materials selection, reducing our impact on climate and promoting inclusivity and forward progression for all peoples within our community. This remains our commitment to our sports, to our consumers, and to the mountains and natural world that we live and play in.

Our Objective to prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our business to achieve the targets of a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, an 80% reduction by 2040, and net-zero before 2050.

Our Execution

...we will identify, measure and improve sustainability in all areas of our business; from materials selection, production processes, waste reduction, transportation, end-of-use planning, and energy consumption.


• Create the longest-lasting product on the market.
• Near Term - Replace all materials with the most sustainable alternative. 
• Mid-Term - Innovate new materials and processes. 
• Mid-Term - Create end-of-life uses for the product that is more sustainable than disposing of the product. 
• Total packaging to be 95% sustainable by 2025.


• Installation of Solar Panels at our Kaitai factory converted 44% of manufacturing energy to date into renewable energy. 
• Achieved a 66% facilities lighting reduction immediately via an energy conversion program. 
• We will be 100% offset on carbon emissions caused by our freight usage by December 31st, 2021.


• As a company, we are focused on sustainability for the future in every department and with every employee. 
• K2 headquarters is an Energy Star certified building, using 35% less energy than other buildings city and nationwide. 
• Via our urban office location, the primary modes of employee commuting are via public transportation and bicycles.


• At least 65% of our total packaging is recyclable. 
• Annual overall consumption analysis to reduce energy demand. 
• Factory use of intelligent control systems and energy-saving devices. 
• Recycling manufacturing materials- wood, protective film, paper, cardboard, plastic waste, titanium chips, aluminum chips, grinding stones, blasting sand.
• Grinding and base/edge preparation: water filtration speed improved to reduce water waste.
• Recycling of boot materials - an average of 20% of new ski boot resin is recovered from the recycling program.
• Partnering in two new ski boot research projects:
     - Repair 3D: research into new recycling methods and use of plastic waste- 3D printed boots/components.
     - Life: EU project – ski boot liner production in Bulgaria to recover and recycle liner materials.


OIA Climate Action Corps

An organization dedicated to uniting and supporting the outdoor industry to take real and immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. LEARN MORE

Snowsports Industries of America Climate United

Providing intelligence and advocacy on behalf of the Snowsports industry. LEARN MORE

Higg Index

This suite of tools allows us to measure our sustainability performance and set goals for continual improvement of all processes. LEARN MORE